A Look Back at 2013!
2013 was Building our Battlement!
“When thou buildest a new house, then thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not the blood upon thine house, if any man fall from thence.”
Deuteronomy 22:8
God has moved in miraculous ways, from adding five families to the church, to helping the people realize the strength of prayer, soulwinning, faithful church attendance, consistent giving in tithes and offerings, and Bible reading.
In October, we started our six week program and by the end, we had a high attendance of 157, and 62 souls saved! The church members were not at all discouraged by not reaching our goal for 2013 of 200, but instead they were encouraged, stretching themselves for the cause of Jesus.
Towards the middle of November, we started to plan for Christmas Sunday. We decided that a daycare/ bus kid Christmas play would be a great thing to do. So that’s just what we did.
December 22nd, Sunday school began at the usual time, 10:00 sharp and dismissed at 10:30. As we watched and prayed, people began coming through the doors of the church. It felt like there was no relief for my ushers and for all the ladies as they helped children get ready for the play. We know God can do beyond what we think, and that day he did.
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