IFB Ecumenical Music Preferences

IFB Ecumenical Music Preferences
IFB Music Influences

So much is controlled and influenced by the music we embrace, but because of what we like or appeals to us, we refuse to acknowledge its poisonous siren. It is no wonder our churches can’t figure out what they are, how they should dress, what Bible they should read, or what is or is not worldly. The influence of the music industry in these areas is blatantly apparent, but because of the lust of the flesh it is being ignored for the most part. The music we promote should be in the hands of the church and its soulwinners, Sunday school teachers, deacons and its faithful people not the performers and their industry promoters. Maybe this is why we have national platform speakers, pastors, and evangelists that are moving toward the “Kumbaya, my Lord” movement in politics as well.

Below is a list of churches that have scheduled to host the performers that most IFBs listen to and encourage their children to emulate. You will notice they are not Baptist churches.  This research was based solely on CDs for sale in a bookstore at a notable independent, fundamental, Baptist college run by an IFB church.

The reason this is such a serious issue is because our churches and colleges are dying. Many are growing old, and we are loosing the next generation to the world or carnal churches. I believe it is because we have placed before them Christians that are not plugged into their church. These musicians don’t teach Sunday school classes, attend soulwinning times, faithfully attend church services, bring their converts to church, walk them down the aisle to the baptistry or maintain Godly dress standards seven days a week. They are not plugged into their church and have somehow gotten a pass on being a productive member.  

Dr. Lee Roberson often said there were five essentials in every good Christian’s life. Prayer, Bible reading, faithful church attendance, tithing, and witnessing were at one time the hallmarks of our growing Baptist churches. What these music performers teach with their lives is that if you are a gifted singer that can successfully get meetings, you don’t have to fulfill everything else.

The best way for musicians to do that is to perform music that is popular to the masses. What appeals is music that touches the flesh, that is entertaining to the senses.  Spirit-filled music is moving, but it doesn’t summon the sights and sounds of the world to accomplish its moving.  It is clear that our movement has grown to a point to not be able to tell the difference between the two.

I would challenge every pastor to take a look at their young people and see if their lifestyle and ministry resembles the music performers of those on this list.

If we were ecumenical I would say that there is nothing to worry about, but if “Independent Fundamental Baptists” still believe in being ecclesiastically separated than we are in big trouble and this list proves that.

Springfield Church of the Nazarene http://www.chiggerhill.com/schedule.html
Golden Isle Christian Church http://www.dixieechoes.com/schedule.php
Pleasant View Assembly Of God http://www.easterbrothers.com/tourpage/ 
The Harvest Church of the Nazarene http://harperfamilymusic.com/tour/
The River Oak Church of God http://www.thehoppers.com/tour/
River Valley Christian Fellowship http://www.kingdomheirs.com/appearance-schedule
Egypt Christian Church http://www.kingsmenquartet.com/tour
Living Word Nazarene Church http://www.mckameysonline.com
Leesburg Church of the Nazarene http://www.theskylineboys.com/#!tickets/cq53
Covenant Presbyterian Church http://doylelawson.com/upcoming-shows/
Central Church of the Nazarene http://www.guypenrod.com/tour
Only Performances http://gaither.com/tour


  1. This article deals with ecclesiastical separation. It just uses one issue to show how we are moving away from doctrine based on personal preferences. God desires His church to guard and keep proper Doctrine. Although TV, friends and even places we get our coffee from don't always have the best associations, none of them are at the heart of the Church. Things like the Bible, Baptism, Salvation, Holiness and Music are. If the Church opens the door of apostasy by "promoting" unscriptural stands on these issues we no longer will be able to say we are ecclesiastically separated. That is not to say that the other things are not things that need attention but they are far from the demise of our churches.

    Let's just look at the music.


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