Dr. Bob Gray Endorses SGBProject

Throughout our history God’s people have been blessed with men and women of God who have been led by God to create new soul winning endeavors.  This project has the Biblical ingredients necessary to help reach a city for Christ by focusing on seeing souls saved and also setting up the process that will provide the opportunities for the spiritual growth of these new believers.  One-on-one soul winning by two soul winners has worked and will always work, but without the ingredient of the local church many converts are left unconverted for service.  


Call it or name it what you desire, but personal soul winning is the key to reaching any city, state, or nation for Christ when combined with a local church.  Having a short-term substantial concentration of soul winners produces results and builds enthusiasm that leads to continued investment for future results. 

The SGBP is itself under the direction of a local church and will strive to aid a pastor’s leadership in strengthening his local church for soul winning.  The short-term goal is souls and the long-term goal is more soul winners. The involvement of the local church is crucial since they are given the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the new believers to follow-up. This campaign goes further than the city-wide campaigns of old with special training sessions with detailed instructions for area pastors and participating soul winners. This has worked and WILL work.

SGBP is well designed and the leadership plus training provided will aid in a great harvest in your area. God is looking for anyone who will give their all for the souls of mankind. God gave His all with His Son. Now, it is time for us to give our all for His Son and our Saviour.

Dr. Bob Gray Sr.
1809 W. Loop 281
Ste. 100 #155
Longview, Texas 75615
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Longview Baptist Temple
Ps. 84:11


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