A letter to Speaker Ryan from my Daughter Hope Reeves

Speaker Ryan,
I just wanted to say how embarrassing this democratic sit in is. It is so disrespectful and as a U.S. Citizen, I once again feel compelled to say something. Are we really reduced to throwing temper tantrums like children to get our point across? Is this what our government has become? Whether republican or democrat it does not matter. Behavior like this is unacceptable for anyone at any time. Do any of you have any respect for the office that you hold?
I have visited the capitol two times and was so privileged to be able to sit on the House floor. At no time was there singing, sitting on the floor, holding signs, and not so much as one person raised their voice! We were not even allowed to take our cell phones onto the house floor, and you know what? No one would ever think to. Why? Because we respect what the room itself stands for.
Stand strong for what you believe in, yes. Make your voice heard in the appropriate way, yes. But do it respectfully. What would have happened if even one of us has yelled or held up signs or sat on the floor during our visit? We would have been escorted from the room. No questions, no pats on the back, and no handholding. We would have been thrown out. So why can't you Mr. Speaker do your job and have those who break the rules escorted out?
Yes, they are being like children and throwing a fit. But since when has allowing your child to throw a fit in public become okay? Actually, I know exactly when this happened.... When God was taken out of the schools, and homes, and churches. When there is no Higher Being to answer to we become chaotic. This is nothing new and until you lead with God on your side there will be more chaos, yelling, and demonstrating at inappropriate times and places.
So this brings me to my point. Please just do your job and have those who behave inappropriately escorted out. They can stay and sit in their chair quietly and respectfully as long as they feel it is necessary but yelling, singing, and demonstrating in the House is wrong!
I pray I will never see this again in my lifetime.
Hope Reeves
A Proud American Citizen
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